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People Asked a question related to OSMF Oral Submucous Fibrosis Treatment at Home. Mouth Opening DIY Kit


is oral submucous fibrosis dangerous

OSMF is a precancerous dangerous condition and convert into a malignant tumor in 1.5–15% of all cases. Sign and Symptoms like Buccal fibrosis, mouth ulceration, dryness of mouth- xerostomia, a burning sensation during eatin food, and restricted mouth opening. All of these greatly interfere with patient quality of life. Associated with chewing of smokeless tobacco like pan masala, Gutkha also high intake of chilies,

is oral submucous fibrosis curable

YES, Oral submucous fibrosis is curable. treatment vary on severity in case it can be cure by OSMF Mouth Opening DIY Kit medicine and exercise. For identify severity you have to measure mouth opening and intraoral examination. OSMF Mouth Opening Kit is the best for use.

can oral submucous fibrosis be cured

Yes. Oral submucous fibrosis present with moderate-to-severe. Existing treatments give only temporary symptomatic relief. Latest modern day innovative patented treatments can make the mouth opening treatment at home by OSMF Mouth Opening Kit™ - Pack of 4 Products OSMF Mouth Opening Kit is a complete Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis Ayurvedic treatment kit, with a lollipop, a tablet for Trismus, and an UNIQUE mouth opening exercise device. OSMF Mouth Opening Kit is recommended for patients who need additional treatment for advanced stages of oral sub mucous fibrosis like Grade II and III, mouth ulceration and stiff jaw.

is oral submucous fibrosis cancer

OSMF is a precancerous disorder and transforms into a malignant tumor in 1.5–15% of all cases. Oral Submucous Fibrosis is characterized by abnormal collagen deposition in Palate, buccal mucosa, restricted tongue in mouth depends on severity.

what causes oral submucous fibrosis

Mainly causative factors of OSMF is caused by addiction to chewing tobacco, Supari-Betel nut (areca nut), Pan Masala, Gutkha, consumption of spicy foods. include autoimmunity, vitamin B, C, and iron deficiencies, human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, and genetic mutations


what is oral submucous fibrosis

Oral submucous fibrosis OSMF is an oral precancerous condition associated with the chewing of areca nut (betel nut) and consumption of spicy foods congaing more capsicum.- marked by inflammation and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues resulting in marked rigidity and restricted mouth opening. The fibrosis in the soft tissue leads to trismus, difficulty in eating food, and even dysphagia.

what is oral submucous fibrosis in hindi

ओरल सबम्यूकोस फाइब्रोसिस ओएसएमएफ एक मुंह का प्रीकैंसरस स्थिति है जो ज्यादा सुपारी चबाने और अधिक मिर्च युक्त मसालेदार खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन से जुड़ी है। - सबम्यूकोसल चमड़ी की सूजन और प्रगतिशील फाइब्रोसिस द्वारा चिह्नित जिसके परिणामस्वरूप मुंहके चमड़िकी कठोरता और मुंह कम खुलता है। सॉफ्ट चमड़ी में फाइब्रोसिस के कारण बंध मुंह , खाना खाने में कठिनाई और यहां तक कि निगलने में कठिनाई भी हो जाती है।

what is advanced oral submucous fibrosis

In the advanced stage the buccal mucosa becomes formation of thick bands of collagen white patchy and stiff. OSMF is believed to begin in the posterior part of the oral cavity and gradually spread outward. Also occurs Dryness of mouth - Xerostomia. In 15-20 % case Advanced Oral Submucous Fibrosis Obscuring Buccal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

oral submucous fibrosis definition

Oral submucous fibrosis OSMF is an oral precancerous condition associated with the chewing of areca nut (betel nut) and consumption of spicy foods congaing more capsicum.- marked by inflammation and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues resulting in marked rigidity and restricted mouth opening. The fibrosis in the soft tissue leads to trismus, difficulty in eating food, and even dysphagia.

natural treatment for oral submucous fibrosis

Ayurvedic remedies helpful in treating submucous fibrosis at home. like- OSMF Mouth Opening Do it your self Kit - Pack of 4 Products beneficial in treatment of oral submucous fibrosis are- OSMF Pops, Oral Gel, Vitamin Supplement are very effective in treating various disorders. Help reduce the burning sensation. OSMF Mouth Opening Kit is recommended for patients who need additional treatment for advanced stages of oral sub mucous fibrosis like Grade II and III, mouth ulceration and stiff jaw.

oral submucous fibrosis exercises

The UNIQUE Mouth opening exercise device is patented, clinically tested and the award winning device for the jaw exercise which helps the trismus affected patients to increase the mouth opening. Innovated by 21 years experienced 18 awards winner Cosmetic Implantologist Dr Bharat Agravat. - UNIQUE Mouth opening device for Oral Submucous Fibrosis provides a better guided assisted jaw motion rehabilitation system by exerting even pressure on muscles of mastication by taking support over Maxillary and Mandibular dental arch, cover all multi-rooted posterior and single rooted anterior teeth with adjustable force over the Jaw; ease of use makes it very supportive for the patients, Prevent broken and fracture of existing teeth, In post radiation fibrosis patients, In Carcinoma patients half the jaw arch removed. The method of using it is very simple. First you need to check if you can open your mouth or not, then use the osmf capsule with water after a few minutes, take the osmf gel and rub it into your mouth and gums. After some time, wash your mouth gently with water. Then take this mouth opening device and try to open your mouth with it. Try as you can. Try 2 to 5 minutes 10 times each time. Then blow your face with air and you can do it 18 to 25 times every day. Before using the device, use the OSMF lollipop into your mouth and exercise with it. Use the device 3 to 4 times every day and you will get a good result from the first day.


  1. how to treat oral submucous fibrosis

    Treatment of oral submucous fibrosis at home. Contain Pack of 4 Products likes.. OSMF POPS™ Revolutionary innovative patent pending lollipop for oral absorption, quick relief in oral sub mucous fibrosis symptoms. UNIQUE MOUTH OPENER™ Patent pending, Physio-therapeutic Rehabilitation Device for Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis, Trismus and Guided Mouth opening OSMF ORAL GEL™ Osmfgel is the only product to deliver pure turmeric and tulshi directly into the mouth. With antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. OSMF VITA™ Increases the capacity of the body to fight against free radicals and acts as an antioxidant. How to use OSMF Mouth Opening Kit visit

OSMF Mouth Opening Kit Treatment at Home

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